蔡琴(Tsai Chin,1957年12月22日- ),出生于网台湾高雄市,中国台湾女歌手、歌舞剧演员。 她以一曲《恰似你的温柔》出道,发行首张专辑《出塞曲》,即获得第一届金鼎奖唱片类最佳演唱人奖网,她的嗓音低回委婉,淳厚沉稳,演唱《读你》《新不了情》等歌曲都曾风靡一时,有“丝绒歌后”之美称。
CAI qin
Chinese Taiwanese female singer
There are five meanings
Tsai Chin (born December 22, 1957) is a Taiwanese singer and a网ctress. She debuted with a song "just like your gentleness" and released her debut album "Exit Song", which won the best singer award of the first Golden Tripping Award album category. Her voice was low and euphemism, honest and composed, singing "Read You", "New Love" and other songs were all the fashion, and she had the reputation of "Queen of Velvet Song".