
小波 推荐阅读 2021年11月26日00时41分24秒 463 0

t no time for these bitch ass hoesFuck around, get shit slapped tho, muthafucker, why you trippin' for?This my sound from the East Side, we ride, fine dining。bitch Fuck you Is this what you want? Is this what you want? DO YOU LIKE IT? scrambles to his feet Bridget nods and walks away Mail Boy to receptionist。优酷提供视频播放,视频发布,视频搜索 视频服务平台,提供视频播放,视频发布,视频搜索,视频分享 优酷视频。



FUCK U~AI just want to sayFuck you阿门在你最艰难的时候你也要竖起中指对这个世界说没他妈什么过不去我没有多在意!from扎。fuck you And all we've been through”Damien Rice一个爱尔兰的文艺大叔尽管歌词里有fuck you但这首歌整体依然非常温柔6Radiohead。英语史上最脏的脏话 ,由于篇幅原因,我刻意绕开了我们在英语中更常见到的 FuckShitBitchDamn等等这不,最近奥斯卡。



FuckShitBitchDickPussyDamn节目的主旨就是说脏话可不等于没文化!且说到“脏话史”,你就能猜到,今天必不可。bitchReally wanna fuck, send the addy, bitchKnow your daddy 'bout itYou a real bad bitch with a attitudeKnow those schools was fuckin'。We live the life we loveWe love the life we liveDon't need no one fucking up are shitOkay, bitchGet the fuck off meI'll freak you the fuck。


a bad word? If you look up 'bitch' in the dictionary, you will find this 'a female dog'To be honest, I have no idea how this word。fuck you!最近贝贝在个人巡演上说了这么一番话我的爸爸妈妈从小是一个特别传统的人,我的爸爸其实跟我一样,小时候比较调皮。